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Town Tour
Gold Rush
Town Maps
First Nations
HBC Store
St. John the Divine
Barnard's Express
Wagon Road
Oppenheimer Store
On Lee House
Shilson House
All Hallow's


St. John the Divine
On Lee House
Shilson House


Hudson's Bay Company Store

The Hudson's Bay Company store was one of the first buildings in the Town of Yale.

The Hudson's Bay company store and warehouse was built in 1858. It was situated on Lot 4, Block 17 on a 60 by 120 foot lot, according to a town plan drawn in 1860, which was squarely within the HBC's boundaries. Facing on to the always active Front street, it was beside the York hotel, and just down from the site of the Barnard's express office. The manager of the HBC outfit was Mr. Harvey, and sold quality items such as rum, brandy, and blankets.

1860 Map of Yale
The location of the HBC warehouse in 1860 is on Lot 4, Block 17. Click to view the complete map. (BC Archives: CAB 30.1k)

The HBC store no longer exists, but two old buildings in Yale still do: Shilson house and St. John the Divine Church. Start with viewing the church at the St. John the Divine page.

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