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St. John the Divine
On Lee House
Shilson House


All Hallow's School

All Hallow's School
The Sisters and pupils of All Hallow's School. (BC Archives: c-08200)
Andrew Onderdonk's former home was converted to All Hallow's School.

Sisters In 1884, All Hallow's School for First Nations girls in the Yale area was opened by Sisters of the Anglican Church. The home built by CPR contractor Andrew Onderdonk was used for classrooms and dormitories. The school was re-opened in a new format after its quality of teaching was well known:

The Rise and Fall of All Hallows School in Yale, B.C.
Click to read more.
In 1890, All Hallows School was officially opened in Yale. It was the only school in Canada to enroll both First Nations and white girls in the same facilities. Upon opening, the school en-rolled thirty-five First Nations girls and forty-five white girls ranging in age from six into the late teens. (Lara Kozak. The Rise and Fall of All Hallows School in Yale, B.C.)

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Before the school was established, major fires in town caused considerable damage. Look at what is left of the Firewall that protected against a blaze.

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