The Cariboo Wagon Road
As the search for coarser gold pushed miners further up the Fraser and into the Cariboo, it was obvious that an improvement of the existing wagon trail was necessary. Road tolls were charged for travel on the new Cariboo Wagon Road to offset the expenses for construction. Traffic on the new rough Cariboo Wagon Road was diverse and included mule trains, stage coaches, lumbering freighters and even camels. Freight to the Cariboo and other points was packed by mules and loaded into freight wagons with a return trip taking up to 3 months (Coutant, Frank R., Yankee Steamboats on the Fraser River British Columbia. P.22). The Alexandra Bridge
The first crossing of the Fraser river by the Cariboo Wagon Road was made at Spuzzum by the Alexandra Suspension Bridge.
Click here for more images of the Alexandra Bridge
The British Columbia Express Company
Click here for more images of Barnard's Express Cataline's Pack Train
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