The Alexandra Bridge

Mr. Spence, in connection with Mr. Trutch, built the suspension bridge at Spuzzum across the Fraser and the new road was soon filled with pack trains and heavy frieght wagons bound for the Cariboo or the Hudson Bay Company posts at Kamloops and elsewhere. (MS)
The Alexandra Bridge
The Alexandra Bridge
(BC Archives: PDP-00168)
Alexandra Bridge during the Great Flood of 1894
Alexandra Bridge during the Great Flood of 1894
(Barkerville Library: Photo# P-0851)
The Alexandra Bridge
The Alexandra Bridge
(BC Archives: A-03928)
The Alexandra Bridge
The Alexandra Bridge
(BC Archives: A-03929)
The Alexandra Suspension Bridge
The Alexandra Suspension Bridge
(BC Archives: A-03926)
PDP-1834, The Alexandra Bridge
The Alexandra Bridge
(BC Archives: PDP-1834)

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