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![]() Letters Written by Colonel Moody compiled by F.W. Howay (Source: The Early History of Fraser River Mines. compiled by F.W.Howay. Published by John Forsyth, British Columbia Provincial Archives, Victoria 1926. Accession no.: NW 971.3 5F H853 c.6) FORT YALE,17th January, 1859.(89)
SiR,--I have the honour to report to you it seems probable the difficulties at Fort Yale and Hill's Bar are for the present quelled. In conjunction with Judge Begbie, I deemed it the best policy to leave the Royal Engineers at Fort Hope and for us to proceed alone to Fort Yale and try to arrange matters in the ordinary way. We purposed to visit Hill's Bar together without any display of force or authority, and it was our intention to have sununoned before us Edward McGowan and a man named Kelly (who appears to act as a sort of Lieutenant to him) to answer the outrage upon Captain Whannell, J.P., and the breaking-open of the jail. On communicating, however, to Mr. George Perrier your Excellency's order for his suspension from the role of justice of the Peace, considerable excitement arose in the town and Edward McGowan violently assaulted a Dr. Fifer in the street, and the information I received of the state of affairs altogether convinced me that it was hopeless to expect the Law would be respected. I therefore sent Lieut. Mayne, R.N., express to Fort Hope to send up the Detachment of Royal Engineers under Captain Grant, and to proceed on in the steamer "Enterprise" to Langley to bring up the Detachment of Royal Marines with the Field-piece party of Seamen. In accordance with my detailed orders to Captn. Grant. the Detachment arrived this morning after a trying night advance by batteaux and marching. Mr. Brew accompanied the Party and also 12 special constables headed by Messrs. Ogilvy and Macdonald, of whose zeal and ability (especially Mr. Ogilvy's) I cannot speak too highly. There was some little excitement on their arrival, but the feeling generally in this town was of the best description, and summonses have been duly served at Hill's Bar on McGowan and Kelly, who are to appear here the day after to-morrow. 88
I am very much afraid, however, they will be able to shelter themselves behind Mr. Perrier's authority, he having sworn them in as Special constables on the occasion. The troops are in excellent health and spirits. I shall have the honour of addressing your Excellency more particularly on a future occasion and report the arrangements I now propose to make in respect to the troops. I have the honour to be,
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